Please visit the following page to view the NHS England guidance on your choices in the NHS:
Important notification regarding ADHD Service right to choose:
Under the NHS Right to Choose, you have the option to select a provider for your ADHD assessment, including private providers offering NHS-funded services. While this offers greater choice and flexibility, it is important to understand the implications for your ongoing care should you receive a diagnosis and begin treatment.
If you are diagnosed with ADHD and medication is recommended you will be monitored by your chosen service until titration and dose stabilisation, the ongoing prescribing and monitoring of ADHD medication should be carried out under a Shared Care Protocol arrangement with your chosen service and your GP Practice.
You must remain under the care of the provider who initiated your treatment. This ensures continuity of care and allows for appropriate monitoring of your condition. Unfortunately, we have found that some providers discharge patients after diagnosis and initial medication prescribing. When this happens, the GP practice is unable to continue issuing medication without input from the ADHD specialist care provider, as per NHS prescribing guidelines.
To avoid disruption in your treatment, we strongly advise checking with your chosen provider about their long-term care arrangements before proceeding with an assessment. Specifically, you should confirm:
- Whether they will continue overseeing your ADHD treatment and medication management.
- If they facilitate shared care agreements with GP practices.
- The process for ongoing prescriptions and follow-up appointments.
If a provider does not offer long-term support and a shared care agreement, you may need to explore alternative options to ensure you receive the necessary ongoing care.
If you have any questions or need further guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to support you in making an informed decision about your ADHD care.
Click here for more information on Shared Care Prescribing and how this might impact your care.