Guardian Medical Centre is part of Warrington Innovation Network PCN.
A Primary Care Network (PCN) is a group of practices who work together to provide additional services to our patients.
General Practice has been required to diversify and we are now working together to serve our patients.
Our PCN is made up of the following GP Practices, with a patient population of 55,000 patients.
- 4Seasons Medical Centre
- Chapelford Medical Centre
- Culcheth Medical Centre
- Guardian Medical Centre
- Parkview Medical Centre
- Springfields Medical Centre
This means you may be offered an appointment with one of our shared clinicans, they may be based at Guardian Medical Centre or at another one of our member practices. The clinician you are seeing as part of our PCN service is still part of your practice and is an extension to our Primary Care team.
We would encourage patients to access the most appropriate appointment with the clinician best placed to see you for your condition, even if they are not based at our practice that day.
Appointments offered include:
- Enhanced Access Appointments
- General Practitioner
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- First Contact Practitioner
- Prescribing Pharmacist
- Clinical Pharmacist
- Pharmacy Technician
- Home Visiting Paramedic
- Care Coordinator
Please visit our dedicated Primary Care Network website, for more information about us, the services we provide and the clinician you have been booked to see: https://www.warringtoninnovationnetwork.nhs.uk/services