Meet our team


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Dr Julian Poulton (Male)

Job title: Senior GP Partner

Qualifications: MBChB MRCGP DCH 1998 (Liverpool)

Working days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday AM

Interests: Paediatrics, Men's Health, Joint Injections, Palliative Care. Dr. Poulton is also responsible for the Foundation Year 2 GP trainees on placement in the practice

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Dr Joanna Nash (Female)

Job title: GP Partner

Qualifications: MBChB DRCOG MRCGP 2002 (Liverpool)

Working days: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

Interests: Contraception - Intrauterine device fitting, contraceptive implant fitting. Dr Nash is also a GP Trainer and is responsible for our GP Registrar trainee doctors on placement at the practice

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Dr Andrew Dickinson (Male)

Job title: GP Partner

Qualifications: MBChB MRCGP DCH 2001 (Liverpool)

Working days: Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

Interests: Diabetes, Joint Injections & Paediatrics. Dr Dickinson is also a GP Trainer and is responsible for our GP Registrar trainee doctors on placement at the practice

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Dr Jenny Chell (Female)

Job title: GP Partner

Qualifications: MBChB MRCGP FSHRH 2013

Working days: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday

Interests: Diabetes & Paediatrics. Dr Chell is also a GP Trainer and is responsible for our GP Registrar trainee doctors on placement at the practice

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Dr Cheryl Smith (Female)

Job title: Salaried GP

Qualifications: MBChB DRGOC JCPTGP 1990 (Liverpool)

Working days: Monday & Wednesday

Interests: Gynaecology & Paediatrics

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Dr Ruth Day (Female)

Job title: Salaried GP

Qualifications: MBChB nMRCGP MD CCT Clinical Genetics 1997 (Manchester)

Working days: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday AM

Interests: Paediatrics, Genetics, Learning Disabilities.

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Dr Jane Oxley (Female)

Job title: Salaried GP


Working days: Monday, Tuesday & Friday 

Interests: Paediatric Care


Dr Paul Ridley (Male)

Job title: Salaried GP

Working days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday

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Dr Alex Hayes (Female)

Job title: Salaried GP

Working days: Friday




Dr Musarrat Aziz (Female)

Job title: Salaried GP

Working days: Friday


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Lianne Harrop

Job title: Practice Nurse

Qualifications: RGN 

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Amanda Smethurst

Job title: Healthcare Assistant


Joanne Welsh 

Job title: Healthcare Assistant

Practice Management Team 

The practice management are involved in managing all of the business aspects of the practice such as making sure that the right systems are in place to provide a high quality of patient care, human resources, finance, patient safety, premises, equipment and information technology. The management team supports the GPs and other medical professionals with delivering patient services and also helps to develop extended services to enhance patient care.



Hannah Glyde 

Job title: Practice Manager

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Nicola Scott 

Job title: Business Manager

Reception Team

Our Medical Receptionists provide an important link for patients with the practice and are your initial contact point for general enquiries. They can provide information on services and results and direct you to the right person depending on your health issue or query. Our reception team are committed to helping patients and deal with a constant stream of telephone calls and enquiries. When telephoning for medical attention, the receptionists will ask some standardised questions as instructed by the doctors to make sure you see the most appropriate person at the most appropriate time. They have been trained to make these enquiries so that you can be helped in the most appropriate way and are bound by confidentiality and data protection legislation.

  • Claire 

  • Jessica

  • Lauren 

  • Louise

  • Tracy

  • Tracey

  • Paula

  • Emma

Prescriptions Team 

Our Prescriptions Team process hundreds of prescriptions a week and thousands of prescription requests per month. The team liaise directly with the GPs to provide the practice prescription administration and provide support directly to patients and the reception team to deal with prescription queries. The prescription department are in regular contact with patients, pharmacies and other third party and NHS colleagues about patient medications and prescriptions. The team also provide the management team with regular reports and conduct internal audits to evidence compliance with strict information governance and prescription security standards.

  • Emma 

  • Colette

  • Judith

Secretarial Team 

Our Medical Secretaries are an important part of the practice team and their role is mainly office oriented. Our medical secretaries often spend a good part of their workday typing and arranging referrals, liaising with the clinical and administration teams, patients and external services to ensure that referrals and the referral process runs smoothly. Medical secretaries also have responsibilities such as monitoring and distributing the incoming mail and pathology results at the practice.

  • Joanne

  • Brian

  • Heather

Administration Team 

Our Administration Team are responsible for a number of essential behind the scenes procedures that support the running of the practice. This includes procedures such as; recalling patients for their annual reviews, calling patients for vaccinations, dealing with incoming correspondence, hospital letters for patients, NHS reports and other non NHS services provided by the practice such as private medicals. 

  • Barbara

  • Alex

  • Sarah











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